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Thursday, September 19, 2024

“7 Coronation Street Spoilers for the Week of August 19th to 23rd”

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Next week on Coronation Street, Dee-Dee comes close to unravelling Joel’s lies, Alina is attacked, Kit comes under suspicion, and Amy has a change of heart about the Institute.

1) Has Dee-Dee discovered Joel’s link to Lauren?

Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) edges closer to the horrific truth about fiance Joel (Calum Lill) next week, as she pieces together the evidence of his secret connection to Lauren (Cait Fitton).


Suspicions came to the surface this past week, when Dee-Dee discovered that a £300 purchase from a jewellers Joel made in December wasn’t in fact for a charm bracelet for his daughter Maeve as he had claimed.

Joel had already lied about the purchase once after Dee-Dee came across the receipt. He initially claimed it was for cufflinks, but when the existence of his daughter was discovered by Dee-Dee, he changed his story to claim he had bought her a keepsake.


Joel’s ex-wife Emily confirmed this to be a lie as she met with Dee-Dee this week, also noting that he was still paying for his old flat, leaving Dee-Dee determined to find out the truth.

Viewers know that the purchase was actually Lauren’s infamous necklace, bought for her by her ‘rich boyfriend’ at the time, and which promised to be a vital piece of evidence in her disappearance if it had ever been tracked down.

Joel has been in possession of the necklace since his brutal attack on Lauren, though he momentarily lost it when Hope (Isabella Flanagan) discovered it under the seat whilst cleaning his car.


Although Roy (David Neilson) was able to provide solicitor Dee-Dee with an accurate drawing of the necklace he remembered seeing, as he languished in prison on suspicion of harming Lauren himself, nothing appeared to come of it.

Next week, Dee-Dee searches online for the jewellers she remembers being named on the receipt, and narrows down their catalogue to items priced at exactly £300. Dee-Dee is shocked by what she finds…

When she later visits Lauren and Frankie at the hospital, Lauren lets slip that she’s planning to start a new life in Belfast as soon as Frankie is well enough.


Dee-Dee covers her shock as the alarm bells ring once again. Only this week Dee-Dee had learned that Joel had been planning to take a flight to Belfast recently, with him claiming that it had been a work thing that had ultimately been cancelled.

Dee-Dee plays it cool and brings up the subject with Joel, pointing out the coincidence, but he gives nothing away.


It’s a strange one for Dee-Dee because she almost didn’t want to let her mind go as far as that, as it will confirm her worst fears,” Channique Sterling-Brown reveals. “At the same time, because of the type of person Dee-Dee is, she just needs to know the truth and there’s a real battle going on inside her mind.

Determined to get to the bottom of things once and for all, Dee-Dee decides to follow Joel… but what will she discover, and will she decide to confront her fiance?


I think she almost needs complete concrete evidence for herself to confront him,” Channique continues. “Joel is a great liar and manipulator so at this point, Dee-Dee is very aware that he’s got an answer for everything, they are both lawyers after all.

“Even though things are falling into place and she’s seen this little flash of his true character, she knows she needs to be careful, but not as careful as she probably should be when she learns the extent of who he really is.

2) David lets slip about Toyah and Nick

Elsewhere, Toyah (Georgia Taylor) and Nick (Ben Price) have so far managed to keep their fling under wraps, despite threats from cult leader Rowan (Emrhys Cooper) to reveal all if Nick doesn’t invest in the institute’s new resource centre.

Nick and Toyah’s increasing distance from Leanne (Jane Danson), as she’s fallen under Rowan’s spell, has pushed the two together in tough times as Toyah faces treatment for ovarian cancer.



Nick has however confided in brother David (Jack P Shepherd) about his quandary, and when David makes some not-too-subtle comments as the pair visit the Platt household this week, Toyah is mortified to realise that David knows everything.


Nick apologises, and promises to keep his distance from now on, but later in the week he once again has to be there to support Toyah as she heads for another appointment at the hospital.

Will it be the news she is hoping for?

3) Alina is attacked

Inside No.9, the presence of Alina (Ruxandra Porojnicu) in Weatherfield continues to cause havoc for the Dobbs family, since the discovery that Tyrone (Alan Halsall) has a two-year-old son that he never knew about.


Alina agrees to bring Dorin (Henry Meller) over to spend some time with Tyrone, and while Ruby (Billie Naylor) is excited to get to know her half-brother, Hope makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with him.



Meanwhile, Alina has started to receive unsettling phone calls, and worries that it could an intimidation tactic from the people traffickers she has come back to Weatherfield to give evidence on in an upcoming trial.

Tyrone has another theory though, wondering whether Hope might be taking her grudge against Alina to a whole new level.


Hope furiously denies Tyrone’s allegation, and he also manages to get Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) offside when he admits that he lied about a large amount of cash that recently left their account—he had in fact spent it on a consultation with solicitor Adam over Dorin.

When Tyrone admits that he would like Alina and their son to move back to Weatherfield permanently so that he can be a part of his son’s life, Fiz is horrified, worried that her husband’s former passion with Alina could reignite.


Later in the week, Alina is preparing for her court appearance when she brings Dorin over again, and fears that she is being watched.

It seems her instincts were correct when she’s then confronted by an intimidating man at the door to her hotel room, who she had previously spotted lurking in the hotel bar. The man forces his way inside and threatens Alina against giving evidence.


Will Alina be okay?


4) Kit comes under suspicion

Down at Weatherfield Police Station, Lisa (Vicky Myers) has further questions about Lauren’s case, as she brings Sarah (Tina O’Brien) back into the interview room for further interrogation.


Nathan Curtis (Christopher Harper) is currently in prison on suspicion of the attack, after strands of Lauren’s hair were found in the back of his van.

Although Sarah had considered planting it there herself, in order to Nathan off the streets and away from past victim Bethany (Lucy Fallon), she had been caught in the act by cop Kit (Jacob Roberts).

Kit persuaded her to hand over Lauren’s hair, found on a bobble in the Platt house, but then proceeded to plant the evidence himself once Sarah had left, resulting in Nathan’s arrest.



Lisa again questions Sarah about the hair but all she can do is repeat what she’s already claimed, and deny having been in the back of Nathan’s van.

Spooked by the visit, Sarah urges Daniel (Rob Mallard) to convince Bethany to try and drop her vendetta against Nathan. Doing so may in turn take the heat off herself.


Despite Nathan’s past, something is bugging Daniel about the whole case, and he later confides in Daisy that he doesn’t trust Kit.

Kit is already in Daisy’s bad books, after her boyfriend Ryan (Ryan Prescott) opted to spend his evening off getting to know the new Rovers lodger rather than spend time with her.


Whilst Ryan looks to be getting on with Kit like a house on fire, will Daisy be taking Daniel’s suspicions on board and keeping an extra close eye on this potential new bromance…?

5) Beth hides the truth

Elsewhere, Beth is still seeking employment after her planned new job went up in a puff of smoke.

Beth had been using the Underworld machines after hours to stitch labels onto counterfeit t-shirts, but when boss Carla (Alison King) found out, Beth opted to angrily quit on the spot rather than let Carla talk down to her.


It didn’t take long for son Craig (Colson Smith) to discover the true circumstances of her departure, when he and Kit discovered her handing over the counterfeit goods to her contact Sid, who wasn’t best pleased when the fuzz showed their faces.

Kit and Craig turned a blind eye, but it wasn’t enough for Sid’s contacts to take Beth onto the payroll as planned.


Instead, Kit managed to seal his future as a corrupt cop further by telling Sid that he wanted in on the deal himself, whilst Craig was mortified at the fact his mum had embarrassed him in front of Kit.

As Beth heads out for another job interview next week, both Kirk (Andy Whyment) and Fiz remain clueless as to why she jacked in her perfectly good job at the factory.




Later in the week, Kirk can see that things are strained between Beth and Craig, as he pleads with Craig to give his mum another chance.

Craig goes on to urge his mum to tell Kirk the truth as to why she has now found herself unemployed, but will Beth be able to bring herself to admit it?

6) Amy has a change of heart

Also next week, having previously had a lucky escape by opting not to invest in the institute, Amy (Elle Mulvaney) looks set to be hoodwinked by Rowan all over again.

Rowan has made it his mission to get his hands on Amy’s £40,000 inheritance, so was disappointed by her decision to not invest in the new resource centre.


Rowan reminds Amy that it’s not too late to change her mind, and after a particularly stressful day at the bistro, it seems as though she might be about to do just that.

Fed up of constantly being left to run the place on her own, Amy finally snaps and tells Nick that she quits, adding that she should have listened to Rowan all along about taking control of her life.


When Amy tells Rowan about the latest development, he is delighted, and swiftly arranges an upload session to bring her back into the fold…

7) Is Tracy happy with Tommy?

Plus, having made a surprise return to Weatherfield, is Tracy’s (Kate Ford) new life in Spain with lover Tommy O (Matt Milburn) all it’s cracked up to be?


Tracy has been at loggerheads with Cassie (Claire Sweeney) since her return to No.1 last week, where she was unimpressed to find Cassie working as Ken’s (William Roache) carer.

As Tracy talks about her amazing lifestyle in Spain, Cassie is quick to quip that it can’t be that great if she’s opted to come back to sunny old Weatherfield.

Tracy is fuming at the comment, but has Cassie touched a nerve…?

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