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Home and Away introduces Felicity’s foster father Gary

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Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash organises a reunion between Felicity and the siblings’ foster father Gary, but Flick is far from happy to see him.

An important person in Flick’s life who has not yet been invited to the forthcoming wedding of Tane (Ethan Browne) and Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) is her foster father, Gary Morrow (Peter Phelps).

Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), who was just 12 years old, found his father Anthony’s death on the family property after he committed himself. The siblings had already lost their mother.

Close friends of the family, Gary and his late wife Katherine welcomed Cash and Felicity into their house after their horrible ordeal. But despite their seeming good intentions and Cash’s attempts to convince Flick, Gary hasn’t been invited to the wedding.

The subject comes up in conversation between Cash and John (Shane Withington), with John suggesting that Cash personally invite Gary to the bay so that Flick is compelled to exorcise any demons she may be harboring there.

Knowing Flick’s past, it’s a hazardous move, but Cash decides it’s worth a try if Gary has any chance of watching his foster daughter go down the aisle.

Cash contacts Gary, but he has another favor to ask as well.

Gary informs Cash later in the week that he would be arriving in Summer Bay the following day. The news is welcomed by Irene (Lynne McGranger) and Rose (Kirsty Marillier), but Cash admits he’s anxious because he hasn’t told Flick!

The following morning at breakfast, Cash tries once more to convince Flick that Gary was a significant part of her life, but she immediately ends the conversation.

Gary arrives in his automobile towing Anthony’s ute as Cash exits the building.

Cash becomes anxious as he reminds Gary that they had planned to meet at the surf club. He doesn’t want Flick to see their father’s old ute because it’s a surprise for the wedding, but Gary quickly realizes that it’s not the only problem.

Your sister doesn’t know I’m down here, does she….

After driving six hours in the belief that things were finally worked out, Gary’s disappointed that Flick’s stance hasn’t changed. Cash is certain that all hope isn’t lost… but first things first, they need to get the ute out of there.

Cash takes Gary to the diner where he’s introduced to Irene, Marilyn (Emily Symons) and Roo (Georgie Parker), who give him a warm welcome.

While having a drink with the other person, Cash discusses his desire for Gary and Flick to communicate and work out their differences as well as his plan to restore their father’s ute.

Gary points out to Cash how quickly Flick left the house when she could, and Cash explains that it was because of her refusal to acknowledge the manner in which their father died. Flick might be able to let go of her hatred for Gary now that she has accepted his suicide.

Gary is happy to talk to Flick, on the condition that she agrees to it first… but Cash doesn’t think that will happen.

Gary will have to be the one to make the first move, and Cash is desperate for him to do so, as he doesn’t want Flick to ever regret Gary not being at her wedding.

After receiving a warm greeting from Alf (Ray Meagher), the main guy, it appears that Gary is well-known around the harbor. But when Cash drives Gary home, it’s time to face the consequences.

Flick appears as though she’s seen a ghost when she returns and runs into Gary.

Why is he in this place? Flick turns to Cash and inquires.

Soon after leaving, Tane runs into Gary and is startled to find a stranger leaving his home. Gary introduces himself and quips that his and Flick’s reunion went about as well as could be anticipated, assuming Tane has heard of their past.

It’s not the first time Felicity has told me to go to hell… and it probably won’t be the last either,” he dryly comments.

Back inside, Cash is getting the full force of angry Flick, as she yells at him for ambushing her with Gary.

I have told you how I feel about him, why do you NEVER listen to a word I say?!

As Tane walks in amidst the chaos, he refuses to take sides and suggests that the siblings need some space.

Cash agrees as he exits the house, and Tane comforts a shaken Flick.

Is Cash’s plan to reunite Gary and Flick in time for the wedding doomed to fail?

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