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Friday, September 20, 2024

Cheryl Fergison, an EastEnders actress, begs for assistance in a husband update.

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Cheryl Fergison, a former EastEnders actress, made a frantic appeal to her followers on Instagram.

In light of the revelation that her husband is attempting to assist the locals, Cheryl Fergison made a plea to her followers, asking them to contribute to the rescue operations taking place in Morocco.

The former EastEnders star said her spouse was in “shock” after traveling to disaster-stricken Morocco to assist his family.

Cheryl, 58, claimed that Yassine el Jamouni, her spouse, is attempting to aid the neighborhood by requesting items to aid those in need.

She stated in an unguarded Instagram video: “My family and I are Moroccan, and I am married to Yassine who is Moroccan. And the past few days have, let’s say, been pretty difficult in their nation. I then asked, “What’s the matter?”

‘Actually, I didn’t want to alarm you,’ he said. However, we all needed to leave the house, so he made sure everyone was secure where he was.

“And his neighborhood was acting in a same manner. I’ve also been a little taken aback, which is why some of my posts have been quite contemplative.

Cheryl continued by saying that she questioned him about the needs of the nation that had been severely impacted by the earthquake.

She stated that several towns and cities had also been affected, but that the remote mountain regions had been the worst affected.

The actress further disclosed that her spouse had stated that after their houses and residences were destroyed, people were in desperate need of temporary housing, such as tents.

Cheryl issued the following urgent request: “I am appealing to any companies who would be able to donate sleeping equipment, tents, or things for people to live in temporary shelters and who are able to get them shipped out.”

“I mean, food is always a problem, but it’s not the top priority there,” she continued. To be completely honest, it keeps people warm at night when it gets chilly by providing them with shelter.

“I truly want to put this to the best possible use. I would adore using the platform I have.

“I send my love, prayers, and entire heart to the Moroccan people, the families who have lost friends, relatives, or loved ones, and for those who have been hurt and are still receiving medical care.”

Nearly 3,000 people have died and entire villages have been wrecked in the devastating earthquake in Morocco.

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