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Coronation Street fans ‘work out’ Lauren Bolton’s fate – and she’s still alive

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Roy Cropper is awaiting trial for the murder of Lauren Bolton, who vanished from Coronation Street on February 23.

Supporters of Coronation Street think they know what happened to Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) and that she is still alive. Everyone in Weatherfield has been greatly affected by the adolescent’s disappearance since she was last seen on the ITV program on February 23.

Presently, Roy Cropper (David Nielson) is incarcerated while awaiting trial for her murder. Fans, however, don’t think she’s dead; they think there’s more sinister truth to it, and that she’s being trafficked.

This isn’t totally unbelievable, considering that the villain Nathan Curtis (Christopher Harper) has experience with trafficking and grooming. Since learning that he was one of the teenagers who subscribed to OVids, Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) is undoubtedly convinced that he had something to do with the disappearance. In a Reddit thread, fans expressed their emotions and inquired about her death.

@Shivvyszha stated tersely, “Nope. Not at all. Most likely being trafficked. “I assume she’s being trafficked and this week will reveal where she’s being held,” wrote @Sympathyquiche in agreement.But my wild guess is that Joel has taken her hostage and is holding her somewhere. DeeDee will locate her, or they will be shown together as a cliffhanger on screen.”

Thinks Corrie producers might be playing viewers for fools, says @MannyByGaslight, writing: “It might be a double bluff? They claim she’s dead, but is she really? But this week’s episode saw her killed off?”

Additionally, @CrashedOutBox expresses doubt about the character’s demise, stating: “Of course not—she’s the new Kelly, around whom all the stories will center if she’s gone? With her gone, they’ve resorted to making it the Abi show once again.”

@Red-Win-9790 speculated that she might have ended up in the same institute as Leanne Battersby, saying, “I’m beginning to run out of ideas for where she could be, but I don’t think so.” I’m beginning to worry that she might have become entangled in this “institute” and is being held captive at some retreat location.”

As for @bouncing_off_clouds, she was speculating a lot and saying things like, “I haven’t watched Corrie in months, and since the last time I saw her, she was attempting to blackmail a traumatized and scarred Ryan, I couldn’t give two flying s* what happened to her.” She hasn’t spent enough time on Corrie to develop an attachment to the show, and her character struck me as a real little t. However, I HAVE been keeping a watchful eye on this thread and all of the circulating theories. Furthermore, based on all the soap opera conventions, I would be truly shocked if she actually WAS dead at this point.

“Given the conventions of soap opera writing, it seems blatantly obvious that she will be located somewhere—in fact, extremely so. Nowadays, it seems common in most TV shows to assume that if all the evidence points to someone being dead but you didn’t see them pass away on screen, they will eventually make a shocking comeback. Sincerely, I would be more surprised if she were dead by now.

Furthermore, it’s clear that Roy won’t be involved. It contradicts every aspect of his character, and it’s almost insane how much it leans in that direction. This was obviously included by the writers as a cheap ploy to appeal to the emotions of the audience.” (sic)

This week’s special episodes will finally reveal Lauren’s fate to viewers. In the teaser trailer, which ITV released, the teen is seen looking terrified in a flashback scene as a gloved hand is placed over her mouth.

But when Roy’s life is threatened while incarcerated, the revelation might not arrive in time to save him.

Additionally, tensions are extremely high on the street as a result of the arrests of both Nathan and Bobby Crawford (Jack Carroll).

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