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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Huge fears as Bethany in Coronation Street takes job with vile teen killer

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Abi Webster (Sally Carman) is shocked to hear some news from Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) regarding her new position on Coronation Street.

Bethany came back at the beginning of this year after working as a journalist in London. Then it became clear that she was truly looking for new employment because she had lost her job in the major metropolis.

She recently encountered a major issue after rerouting the remainder of her mail from London to Manchester due to the commotion surrounding abuser Nathan Curtis (Christopher Harper). Bethany was shocked to learn that someone had been using her former business credit card fraudulently.

In subsequent episodes, Bethany will tell Sarah (Tina O’Brien) that she has a new job, which is exciting news. However, she soon expresses to her mother that she is not looking forward to her first task, which is followed by a sense of dread.

When Bethany calls from the garage, she informs Abi that she is now employed by a magazine firm and that they would like her to compose a piece endorsing Corey Brent, the adolescent who killed her son Seb.

Corey’s father, Stefan, owns the magazine company Bethany works for and is a board director of the production company that made Corey’s documentary, Abi reveals to Kevin (Michael Le Vell) later in the week after doing some research.

Suspecting Stefan is the source of the deepfake videos, Abi and Kevin file a police report on him.

When Bethany stops by the garage, she tells Abi that she’ll quit her work if that’s what she wants, but that having someone inside to watch Stefan could be helpful.

After that, Kevin visits Bethany and offers her her security pass to Stefan’s offices if she would genuinely like to help.

When Bethany hands it up, will this be a decision she comes to regret?

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