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Thursday, September 19, 2024

7 Emmerdale Spoilers for Next Week: Will Faces Blackmail and Belle Confronts a Terrifying Future

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Emmerdale’s upcoming week promises to be exciting as Will (Dean Andrews) falls victim to a blackmailer.

He reels after seeing a deepfake video, and the unidentified entity demands a big payment. Who’s behind the torture?

And Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) will have to deal with nasty Tom’s manipulations once more during another unsettling week.

Plus, the ITV soap will air a special, stylised episode to show just what Belle’s going through.

Without further ado, read on for your gripping Emmerdale spoilers from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th September 2024.

1. Is Rose tormenting Will?

Christine Tremarco as Rose and Dean Andrews and Will in Emmerdale standing together looking into camera

Will is in full belief that the only person who could possibly be tormenting him is Rose, and he decides to take matters into his own hands and call the mysterious number.

Will is furious, understandably, and tells the person on the phone to do one. But he is left shocked when he sees a video of Rose in Ibiza, and when he clocks he didn’t get an international dialling tone when he called the number, he concludes Rose can’t be his tormenter.

2. Will is blackmailed

Emmerdale's Jimmy looks at Will while he's on the phone looking concerned

Baffled by who could be making his life hell, Jimmy and Will put their heads together and try to work out who would do this to him.

But it’s not long before Jimmy gets an email on his work account which shows Photoshopped pornographic images depicting Will and Rose in an uncompromising situation.

Will’s desperate to keep it from Kim – until a deep-fake video lands on his phone and it becomes clear it’s not a one-off. Furthermore, the blackmailer wants £10k to keep his indiscretions with Rose a secret… will he pay up?

3. Tom continues to torment Belle

Emmerdale's Tom looks at Belle as she walks away

Belle starts the week with bad news as her application under Clare’s Law is a bust, and there would be no disclosure on Tom.

Watching from his cameras, Tom’s elated and thrilled to see her in such distress. He becomes too cocky and makes a comment which alerts Belle to the fact he can access her emails – but when he points out some uncompromising pictures he could expose, Belle is frozen.

She later decides to play him at his own game and tries to steal his tablet, leading to her confronting him in The Woolpack – but will anyone believe her?

4. Tom starts a new romance

Emmerdale's Tom talks to Belle in the cafe, they both look concerned

As her week goes from bad to worse, Belle is horrified to discover that Tom started a relationship with Amelia, leaving Belle and Lydia incredulous.

Caring Belle is immediately worried for Amelia’s safety, and when Tom sneaks into her flat, she calls out his behaviour and begs him to leave young Amelia alone.

5. Belle imagines a terrifying future

Belle looks off into the distance. She has a sombre expression and is wearing her blonde hair down.

On 5th September, Emmerdale will air a stylised episode centred around Belle, where she will contemplate what her future could look like.

The night before the episode, viewers will hear Tom threaten Belle, saying he will never give up on her, and the following day, Belle is in a trance as she sees just what those terrifying words could mean.

Will her nightmare prompt her to take action against the villain?

6. Moira and Ruby clash

Emmerdale's Ruby clutches her face after Moira has headbutted her. She's falling backwards

Moira sees Ruby bantering with Cain, and a wave of jealousy overcomes her when she sees him squeeze his arm. She wastes no time in barging into Mill Cottage and accusing Ruby of trying to steal her man, leaving her utterly confused.

Tensions escalate very quickly, and Moira headbutts Ruby just as Cain arrives. Cain takes her back to Butlers and demands to know what’s come over her, and it isn’t long before he clocks that Moira hasn’t had her blood tests.

What’s wrong with Moira? And how much more erratic will she get?

7. Frankie goes missing

Emmerdale's Tracy and Nate panic as Frankie goes missing, they're in the kitchen

Nate comes clean to Mack that he’s been offered a job in Scotland, and will have 24 hours to decide whether to pack up and leave or not.

While he’s torn, he decides to tell Tracy what’s been going on, and when she remains coy about her real feelings, he becomes upset.

Things go from bad to worse, though, when they realise Frankie has gone missing. With Tracy calling the police about her missing daughter, will they find her before something terrible happens?

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