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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Emmerdale Samson’s prison exit ‘sealed’ as Lydia betrays him

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In Emmerdale scenes that will run next week, Samson Dingle throws a bombshell that makes Moira Dingle furious as his lie spirals out of control.

In the upcoming Emmerdale episode, Samson Dingle drops a bombshell that leaves Moria Barton fuming.

In the weeks following Matty Barton’s imprisonment for stabbing Samson, the Dingle family has fallen apart. After Josh and Matty became more antagonistic, Josh threatened to hand over the money in the till, which is how the incident started.

As the confrontation got more physical, Josh pushed Samson into Matty, stabbing him with the dagger Matty was holding. High tensions developed between Sam Dingle, Sam’s father, and his brother Cain Dingle, Matty’s stepfather, after Samson lied to both his family and the police, saying that Matty had stabbed him.

Moira and her spouse Cain have sided with Matty, but Sam and his spouse Lydia Dingle are supporting Samson because they think he is being honest about the stabbing.

Next week, though, Samson declares he’s leaving the community, and Matty looks to be in serious danger.

Moira, who is determined to stop Josh and Samson, is furious to learn that they plan to depart for Europe earlier than planned on Monday, July 8.

When Moira suddenly breaks into the Dingles and starts making wild accusations about Samson leaving early, Sam quickly leaps to his son’s defense and declares his innocence.

Samson vows to return before the trial, so Sam is soon persuaded to let him go, but Moira is determined to stop him.

Matty, meanwhile, is happier now that he knows Les, his cellmate, has accepted him for who he is—a trans man—and can’t wait to tell Amy when she comes to see him.

After Matty receives a new solicitor, he also hopes to be released, which makes Amy happy to see Matty acting more upbeat.

However, she sees Matty leave as their visit draws to an end, and Robbo—who she confuses for Les—approaches her.

Unfortunately, Amy—who is unaware of the danger she has now placed her husband in—tells Robbo the truth about Matty thanks to her pitiful façade.

When Robbo shows up, Matty becomes terrified when he realizes the thug has spoken to his wife. Matty had returned to his small cell after Les had left to visit his counsel.

However, when Robbo says he’s discovered the truth and the frightening transphobe closes in on him, Matty is back in his prison cell and feels trapped and afraid. Amy, in the meantime, is happy to inform them about Matty’s optimistic outlook when she gets home.

As Matty’s situation worsens later in the week, Moira and Amy are left wondering why they haven’t heard from him.

Lydia believes Samson is concealing something after she sees Josh intimidating him and pressuring him to keep lying to the police.

Will Lydia consent to assist Moira and turn on Samson, nevertheless, following their meeting?

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